7 Days, 7 Questions: #7 Why Don’t Drones Crash?

Experience and professionalism are key factors that come into play when operating drone technology. Both of these help to mitigate the risk of crashing a drone, as well as some of the onboard technology of a drone.

7 Days, 7 Questions – #6 : Why Your Company Instead of One of the Other Drone Companies Out There?

Providing unique insight that is geared towards your specific industry is what we strive for. Drones are a fast evolving technology that can help to provide the information needed for your projects.

Friday Fun Flights #13! Our Weekly Summary of the Weird, the Whacky, and the Wonderful Things with The Drones Up There!

From a drone stuck in a tree that closed a nations airspace to the “1000 Drones for 1000 Girls” initiative. This week our weird, whacky and wonderful world of drones covers some pretty interesting topics.

Friday Fun Flights #10! Our Weekly Summary of the Weird, the Whacky, and the Wonderful Things with The Drones Up There!

From using drones to help pollenate date palms in the Jordan Valley to saluting our frontline workers with drones, this has been an interesting week in the world of drone technology.

Automated Drone Technology – One More Piece to the Fast Evolving World of Insight from Altitude!

Anytime there is a crisis, many technologies will make advances ahead of what is projected, drone technology has continued on this course of advancement.

Drone Technology and COVID-19: Expect Fast Developments As Acceleration Occurs

With the fast evolving world that we live in right now with COVID-19, technology is and will continue to evolve at a fast, if not faster pace then it did previously. Drone technology is one such example where advances are being brought out sooner than what was first intended.

A Disruptive Week : A Pause to Reflect on Drone Technology and a World Immersed in Covid-19 Complexities

Drone technology can sometimes have a beneficial or potentially eerie role during times of crisis. We outline some of these roles that drones have been playing over the last few weeks.

The State of the Drone Market 2020: What’s Holding YOU Back?

Is your company fully aware of just how beneficial insight from altitude can be from a drone? Many miss out on this huge and powerful insight that can help to accelerate their opportunities.

Farming, Agriculture and Drones: Farmville Meets the Future!

The farmers of today are encountering a rapidly changing world. With the advances in technology, a generation weaned on a virtual world meets a technology that allows them to do what was once only virtually possible.

Why Do You Need a Drone Partner? Um, Would You Build Your Own Airforce?

Based on a conversation with friends or business peers, you might be tempted to go out and buy a few drones, train a few people and get up and running with your own drone air force!

Let us explain why this might simply be a bad idea.
